We Value Your Safety

Our Promise

Safety has many values but the most important is the value of human life and protecting it. Employers have an obligation to send their employees home in the same condition that they came to work. It should be a principal goal in every organization, to protect their workers from harm. Our promise is to help you make that happen.

A safe work environment brings many financial benefits to a company’s bottom line. It impacts the profitability of a project, both directly and indirectly. The costs associated with accidents and incidents, include lost costs, worker’s compensation insurance increases, other insurance increases, lost productivity, down time, and legal defense dollars. During the course of a year or over the term of a project, fewer accidents and incidents means more dollars in the company’s coffers. A safe work environment also increases employee morale, which in turn improves productivity, efficiency and profit margins. When employees feel safe and content in their environment, there are fewer absences, less staff turnover and improved quality of work.

Implementing a safety program is a smart and cost-effective decision for a company to make. Studies prove that companies that implement and effective safety and health work program for their employees can expect to see their injury and illness rate decline by 20 percent or greater. Typical project costs for companies with a well implemented safety program are approximately 2.5 percent, as opposed to 6-9 percent for companies without a safety program. Not only does safety improve a company’s financials, but also their business reputation towards safety.

Safegate’s expertise helps companies comply with federal and state worker safety rules, as well as satisfy insurance company requirements

Our services can help owners anticipate and meet legal requirements by identifying solutions that may lead to OSHA fines and citations. Safegate also serves as a representative during regulatory inspections. Our experience in loss control prevention and working with the leading insurance companies will help your company meet insurance requirements and obtain the best possible insurance rates.

Let Safegate’s trained safety staff analyze your operations, identify unsafe acts and conditions, and provide your company with practical solutions for minimizing your risk. We develop a culture of safety for our clients and allow them to send their employees home intact.
